Monday, November 28, 2011

The Smell of Gunpowder

My old man wasn’t
stupid. He just thought
everything sounded like rain. Anything that didn’t sound
like rain, he thought
smelled like gunpowder. Of
course nobody understood these oddities,
hence the stupid
label. Some people act dumb
when they’re drunk, but are smart when
they’re sober. Other people are smart
when they’re drunk, but dumb as a lump when
they’re sober. Not my old
man though, he was just the same
whether liquored up or
not. My mom just ignored him. I
think maybe she tried to poison him once
and just screwed him up
instead of killing him. Everything she
cooks just sounds like rain so she
really has nothing to complain about.
His condition has provided us with multiple
sources of income, so
we get by quite comfortably. My
old man talks to me sometimes.
He says he loves the sound
of rain, and the
smell of gunpowder. Then
he gives me a hug and all I
hear is a chainsaw.

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