Monday, November 28, 2011

Wheel of Conflict

So the wheel is conflict of evolution revolution

involuntarily defending unending cycles of emotion

motion unaware of introspection passing inspection

eroding simultaneous valleys of truth mountains

of lies eradicated dictionaries full of theories

full of contradictions of speculations of testicular

germination within the stamen of auricular

excretion God yes! we have evolved beneath the

wheels of hybrid industrialized mastectomies apart

from separate misquoted peculiarities

summed up by the urine stains on your bed

The Smell of Gunpowder

My old man wasn’t
stupid. He just thought
everything sounded like rain. Anything that didn’t sound
like rain, he thought
smelled like gunpowder. Of
course nobody understood these oddities,
hence the stupid
label. Some people act dumb
when they’re drunk, but are smart when
they’re sober. Other people are smart
when they’re drunk, but dumb as a lump when
they’re sober. Not my old
man though, he was just the same
whether liquored up or
not. My mom just ignored him. I
think maybe she tried to poison him once
and just screwed him up
instead of killing him. Everything she
cooks just sounds like rain so she
really has nothing to complain about.
His condition has provided us with multiple
sources of income, so
we get by quite comfortably. My
old man talks to me sometimes.
He says he loves the sound
of rain, and the
smell of gunpowder. Then
he gives me a hug and all I
hear is a chainsaw.

Monday, October 17, 2011

We Are Not Without

Before I forget, it is not without.

Because without would mean; that all

reason and insight, sin and morals

are not, have not and will never. No

matter the absent’s form or function

the feeling of without is yet within.

And if we are left to grope in minimilistic

shadows, or to muddle through tomes

of paradoxical musings, or even to barrel

brashly through the streets of the

Vatican with whores in our beds and

heroin in our veins, we are not yet without.


Reverbnation Page!/stickdogwalker

Listen to your favorite Stick Dog Walker jams here!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anthrax In the Garden

Bore me to death with your lyrical prose.

Murder ain’t the answer when you

question my opinion. Upside down the

battle cry we march around the temple.

Bearing bombs of frankincense with anthrax

in the garden. Digging holes with broken

spades. Lift-off left without a hitch while

Barney Miller scratched his eczematous

scalp. A little girl let me die with leather pants

and blackened lips. Eat the Bette Davis stew,

with onion rings, brokeback pie and paranoia

salad; with a copper spoon and a pocket

knife. Everlast the liquid state, the melting sun

in boiling glass, the six-string catatonic scale,

the crimson bleeding flower.

Let It Rain

Jenny rode shotgun in a paper


outstretched arms

eyes wide shot down

let it

rain out of time

wash away the sands of

superficial flight

emotive stare hand of fear

smell of nihilistic fever soaking

bed sheets

let it

rain out of time

gargoyle with a broken wing

stone unfolds

water bathes

lifts the paper airplane

streams wider than streets

made of clouds through

the sky

eyes wide Jenny

let it rain

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


A Walk In the Dark


Of the way
we live
for the same piece
of never
take the frog
out of the rain
and let Johnny strike
up the band
face failure
scared of the yellow
we are Africa
rid of voice
tyrant or slave we are
we are
voice succumb to grain
ISO sixty
redefine coarse as
facet of fine
the piece
filthy lies
crossed tees belong
to me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fearless Confusion

City cuts the stars from the sky, the stars
from our lives. City lets you believe. Water warms
the tummy, fertilizes the seed. Water starves the city,
starves our debauchery. City bears the bloom;
angry, cold, burgundy petals and virulent eyes.
City walks upon the water before a multitude of
City scorches willow trees and brambles. City stares
into disease. Winter fears and summer etches
mortality into the glass swing sets where we
sacrificed morality to sin. Summer carelessly leaps from
stone to stone across the creek, aborts the fetus in its womb,
carrying on without remorse. City steals the
living, hides the dead.
City cuts the stars from its flesh. Summer drips from the
wound onto the floor and water heals.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sailing on Frequencies

Global oceans, graves. Compressed bi-polar sweetness. Welts from surging tempers, religious fits and remorse. Of course we have to sail upon each others frequencies. Perform with skulls. Confess to the barbed-wire tails of jack asses. Rebuild, remorse. We the pagans. Scum of the foragers. Isolate contempt, cradle hate in savage emotive seas. This panting scalded patience serves as our deliverer, servant. Equality?