Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Creation fails, blows my mind, leaves
a sick taste in the back of my

Arrogant, one last time, hundred
dollar bills in the throats

Decadent front, splits my tongue, sings
like an angel

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good God

It is not magnificent to believe that God created all things. To God; it was not magnificent to create all things, but simply "good". If all the complexities of our planet, our solar system, our universe and eternal space are merely "good", then what have we to say about the printing press, the cotton gin, or even the world wide web? Perhaps you have heard them called marvels, miracles, or ingenious feats of invention. Shall we slap the face of God and tell him the sun is a piece of shit? My friends, I have learned to rely on those things that are good in life. Those things that make life better than death. You know what I mean, things like breathing, seeing, feeling, eating, going to sleep and waking up. Do you really want to compare television to sex? I didn't think so. Because He is good who gave us all good things, that we might in turn, be good.

Friday, August 13, 2010


I was meant to be a sinner
but turned into a saint
Oh well
Someone else will take my place

Thursday, August 12, 2010